I started my career as a travel writer and have published a wide array of work, from feature stories and news articles to short story collections. I also have experience editing corporate content and writing and designing annual reports, press releases, etc.

A feature story on Kentucky's burgeoning indie music scene. Published in Story Magazine.

A story on three generations of carnival operators. I took photos for this one as well. Published in Story Magazine.

A story on three generations of carnival operators. I took photos for this one as well. Published in Story Magazine.

A feature about one of the last thriving drive-in movie theaters in middle America.

A feature/profile on Rik Michul, a filmmaker/animator from Los Angeles.

A two-page advertisement for The Hartford I designed and wrote as a narrative about a '68 Beetle and its adventures with one family.

A two-page advertisement for The Hartford I designed and wrote as a narrative about a '68 Beetle and its adventures with one family.

An article on art museums written for The National Tour Association's Courier Magazine.

An article on art museums written for The National Tour Association's Courier Magazine.

An article on student engineers' involvement in designing and building satellites for NASA. Published in Story Magazine.

A feature written about a trip I took along Alaska's Inside Passage. It was published in Courier Magazine.

A feature written about a trip I took along Alaska's Inside Passage. It was published in Courier Magazine.